Thursday, August 14, 2008

Election Update

There's a lot of fun stuff circling the drain about the upcoming election, so let's get to it!

Some of the biggest news to come out recently is the suggestion that Colin Powell will endorse Barack Obama.  This would be a major score for the Obamessiah, as Powell would lend an air of authority on foreign policy and military matters that Obama totally lacks, helping to counter McCain's own formidible reputation on those key issues.  Powell never was that much of a conservative, and although he supported Bush and worked for Bush, he has clearly felt burned by his efforts to persuade the U.N. of WMDs in Iraq.  He could be seeking redemption of sorts by supporting the guy who now says the entire Iraq war was wrong.  However, it would also look suspiciously like purely a racial play, which could turn off some voters.  It will be a tricky balance to strike...if it happens.  At this point, it's still just a rumor.

It must be disheartening to the Obama crowd, but most polls still show that the race is essentially even.  Once again, take this with a grain of salt - polls are only polls, and not necessarily an indicator of how the actual result will come out.  Still, it is useful for identifying trends, and the trend isn't good for Obama.  Though the Obots are predicting a landslide victory, history does not support their claims:
In five of the six post-war landslides (defined as a victory of 10 percentage points or more) the eventual winner was ahead by at least 10 percentage points in the polls at the close of August, according to a Politico analysis of historical Gallup polls. Over the past week, however, Gallup's daily tracking poll pegs Obama ahead of John McCain by a margin of 2-5 percentage points.

The one exception to the August rule was 1980. Ronald Reagan was trailing slightly in the August polls before surging forward to win by roughly a 10-point margin.
Speaking of historical precedent, even the Obamessiah phenomenon isn't new.  It's happened before, and a close analysis of those times reveal that in such big promise often comes both tragedy and farce.

Another interesting wrinkle is that Clinton supporters haven't packed it in yet.  In fact, they're planning some major events at the Democrat convention in Denver:

Supporters of Hillary Clinton are planning a number of rallies at the Democratic national convention in Denver to express their disappointment with the party's presidential primary process.

The Denver Group, formed by two Clinton backers, has filmed a TV commercial and scheduled a large reception in Denver for August 26.

Another pro-Clinton group, 18 Million Voices, is organizing a march on that day in Denver "and nationwide to support Sen. Clinton and advocate for women's rights worldwide," according to its Web site.

Some of the Denver Group's goals are at odds with those of the Democratic Party, The Hill newspaper reports. It wants an open convention, with Hillary's name placed in nomination, as well as a genuine roll call vote with Clinton as a legitimate candidate instead of what it calls a "coronation" of Barack Obama.

I've also seen reports that Hillary will be speaking in a promienent role there, as will Bill Clinton.  It appears the battle is not over yet.  This should be fun to watch!

Meanwhile, the MSM continues to profess that once the Obamessiah is elected, racism in this country will end; at the same time, they're calling McCain a racist and ignoring their own lilly white constitution.

In a terrible blow to the Democrat convention, it appears that the city of Denver has run out of limos!  It would be awful to have to get around town in *GASP!* public transportation!!!  Ironically, I thought that the Democrat platform (and the convention itself) was all about protecting the environment...last I heard, limos got pretty poor gas mileage...hmmm...two sets of rules, anyone?

Finally, do you remember a while back I mentioned that the Obamessiah's plan for our educational system includes mandatory volunteerism? Well, it's apparently beginning early...I found this very amusing:

Obama worshipers may already be feeling a bit of buyers' remorse.

Turns out that those who snapped up free tickets to his big convention speech at Invesco Field will have to volunteer for six hours. And they're whining about it to the press.

ABC7 in Denver reports:

The Obama campaign has begun notifying people who got tickets for the big acceptance speech at Invesco Field the final night of the convention.

Many of those who received tickets told 7NEWS they have come with a caveat.

Those viewers said the campaign told them they must volunteer six hours for the campaign by Friday in order to get a ticket.

"I got a call that if I want the tickets I have to volunteer two shifts of three hours apiece — for one ticket. If I want two tickets, then it's four shifts of two hours apiece," said Berenice Christensen.

Another 7NEWS viewer sent an e-mail that said, "I received a call Monday saying I could 'qualify' for the tickets if I do 12 hours of volunteer work for the Obama campaign between now and Friday the 15th."

The viewer e-mail goes on, "To work 40 hours at my job, get to and from work, get to and from the campaign office and complete the 12 hours in three days would be next to impossible."

But I thought holier-than-thou Obama followers were so much more giving and compassionate and civic-minded than the rest of us?


"My whole reason why I'm so mad about it is because Democrats need to act like Democrats," said Heather Kreider, a working mother from Centennial.

"Democrats work for a living, and they have to work and take care of their families. And they say these are open to those in the community, so they shouldn't ask people to drop everything in their lives for this," Kreider said Tuesday.

Guess she won't be making the Big O gesture with the rest of the cult.

The Soul-Fixer has his work cut out for him.

You just can't make this stuff up!  Politics definitely has its frustrations and aggravations, but it has its own version of hilarity at times, too!

There's my two cents.

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