Thursday, August 28, 2008

McCain's VP Decision

The GOP VP circus is gearing up.  In an effort to steal some of the Obamessiah's thunder, McCain has announced that he knows who his VP selection will be, but not even the candidate himself/herself knows yet.  The announcement is supposed to be made tomorrow morning, but I've seen one report that it may 'leak' this evening.  That would be a foolish thing for the McCain camp to do, because it will allow a gleeful media to briefly mention the pick before turning back to their collective kow-towing at the foot of the Obamessiah's greek temple tonight.  Surely McCain wouldn't be that stupid...

The top rumors are still around Romney, Pawlenty, and Lieberman, although Steve Forbes has been thrown around a lot lately, too.  I'll update you when it happens.

As predicted, Obama is now starting to show at least a little bit of a bounce.  It's not a surprise, however, given the history of conventions (not to mention the constant gushing coverage from his pals in the MSM), unless you think perhaps it is such a small bounce.  By the way, though Gallup shows a 6-point lead now, Rasmussen still shows a tie.

John McCain has a giant opportunity in the next few days.  He can pick a true conservative VP (but only after The Speech tonight), which will rally the base around him for the first time in this campaign while forcing the MSM to get off their pro-Obama train for at least a few moments.  Then, next week, he can hammer home the surefire issues of national security and the economy, especially his energy plan.  It wouldn't hurt to open up both barrels on the Born Alive and Bill Ayers issues, either, since the Obama camp has had a visceral reaction to both of those (must be trying to hide something).

If he can do those things effectively, I think he has a real shot at not only erasing Obama's small bounce, but at taking a significant lead in the polls.

If he does it right...

There's my two cents.

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