Wednesday, September 5, 2007 vs. Democrats

We hear a lot about how the Republican party is in a state of disarray (and that may or may not be true), but what about the Democrat party? According to the MSM, they're in lockstep and everyone is happily going about their business.

That's not true.

The Wall Street Journal writes of an initiative by and other groups to target certain Democrats as traitors for grudgingly admitting the progress in Iraq. A primary example is Rep. Brian Baird of Washington - MoveOn is running an ad this week that is short on fact and long on smear. To quote WSJ:
The group doesn't aim to engage in debate, but to punish and silence Democrats who dare to think for themselves. There's a pattern here: When John Dingell contradicted party orthodoxy on global warming and auto mileage standards this year, MoveOn ran ads in his Michigan district calling the 81-year-old Congressman "Dingellsaurus."
The list of Democrats admitting to progress in Iraq is now quite long and includes prominent members like Carl Levin, Hillary Clinton, and Dick Durbin. Though most will downplay their positive comments, they are still positive comments, and Baird, in particular is sticking to his guns.

WSJ summarizes the situation this way:
Nice to see some political backbone in Washington. Meanwhile, MoveOn and its billionaire donors are out to solidify their ideological control of the Democratic Party, even if that means denying what is actually happening inside Iraq.
This is a prime example of what I've blogged about previously, where the wacko far-left is trying to wrestle control of the Democrat party out of the hands of normal, everyday, good Democrat voters. Be careful, Democrats, what you wish for - you just may get it.

There's my two cents.

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