Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Amnesty Updates - Anti-Sanctuary And DREAM

Two big pieces of news on amnesty in the Senate today, as reported by Michelle Malkin.

Anti-sanctuary measure
David Vitter of Louisiana has introduced two amendments to the commerce, justice, and science (CJS) spending bill (H.R. 3093) that would prevent federal money from being awarded to cities proclaiming themselves to be sanctuary cities. It is unlikely any city would forego federal funding simply to keep protecting illegal aliens, so this is huge, huge, huge!

Call your Senators TODAY and ask them to support the Vitter anti-sanctuary amendments to the CJS spending bill!

DREAMing again
"Our sources tell us that the DREAM Act will be offered as an amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bill (H.R. 3043) on the Senate floor, most likely late TODAY or TOMORROW. Things are moving so quickly that even Senate staffers don’t have the text of the amendment!

Nevertheless, we know the DREAM Act grants amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the U.S. before the age of 16. And those who are granted amnesty may later petition the Department of Homeland Security to grant their parents legal status.

Also, if past versions are an indicator, the amendment will have no caps on the numbers, no age limit on applicants, will allow “conditional legal permanent resident status” to be extended indefinitely, and will provide for retroactive benefits. We can also expect the amendment to authorize in-state tuition to illegal aliens and make illegal aliens who receive conditional LPR status eligible for federal financial aid."
Call, e-mail, call, e-mail, call, e-mail...TODAY!!!

There's my two cents.

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